Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How can you just Kill a Man??

Here is something,
I don't Understand,
How can you just,
Kill a Man.

Wars are fought,
strategies are planned,
Ppl kill each other,
At an Old Man's Command.
An Old Man,
Whom they think is wise and Informed
But in reality,
Is too proud of his Uniform.

What good can come,
When you Kill in the name of Peace,
You are in turn,
Letting the Hatred Increase.

On the contrary,

Protecting thy self,
Is one's primary duty,
But don't let the decision be made,
By some fucking deputy.

So Please,

Come to your senses,
Clear the Ambiguity,
Coz Killing for Peace is like,
Screwing for virginity.


Saru Singhal said...

Great poem and last 2 lines are so true.

KP said...

Really nice.. and powerful..

Call me dumb.. but I didnt get who the old man is! :/

Harry Paddy said...

Thanks guys.

Old man = The politicians who declare war