Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Shift in Life!!

There was a time when we wud run all d way upto school, sleep throughout d morning assembly under d pretext of being deeply involved in d prayers & then wait for d fun day to begin.

D temporary seating arrangements wud keep changing by d week. But one wud constantly keep hoping tat one of d days we would accidentally get to sit nxt 2 our crush in d classroom.

Incessantly chatting wid d teachers. Trying ur level bst to make sure tat they favor u ovr d rest.

Making friends wid all d dons of d class, for help during Pangas

Eagerly waiting for d P.T period & cursing d lazy teacher when she wouldn’t let you go play, conveniently claiming tat it is pouring outside.

Taking good advantage of ur prefect title whenever you are in a mood to bunk.

Slipping out of d class right under d nose of d teacher when you simply can’t stand her boring lectures

All along making her believe tat d prefect is out to do some good for d school.

Seeing a fellow student being thrashed by d principal wid a weapon as lethal as d school handbook.

Suppressing d big nasty smile tat appears on ur face when ur friend gives a funny sounding reply to d teacher.

Teasing d teachers for their funny accents, linking them up wid each other & making fairytales out of tat.

Making place for ur partners in crime in d school loo which serves as a fantastic hiding place when a dangerous class test is under progress.

Running helter skelter when u get d news tat d principal is on her way to ur secret hideout.

Purposely taking part in extra curricular activities so tat you get a good solid reason 2 stay out of class during d Marathi lecture.

Tactfully including all ur favorite classmates in d dance events jst to hav a gala time during d never ending practices.

Crying ur lungs out when u get ur first bad remark
Praying tat d pen mark wud miraculously get erased by d time ur parents get hold of d calendar.

Dreading d Open-day which ur teachers eagerly look forward to.

Hoping tat atleast this time d teacher wont start comparing you wid ur brilliant sister infront of ur mum dad.

Hitting d closest mall in d city wid ur gang each time d exams get over.

Shrugging off d ghastly looks passed by d mall employees when u march ahead wid ur jhingbang wid d clear intention of window shopping

Yet waiting at each counter wid an expression which says tat you are too keen to buy d expensive looking product at hand when all along u know u hav nothing but a 100 rupee note in ur pocket.

Going down to d old & reliable (read cheap) McDonalds at d base of Crossroads & hogging on a Chicken McGrill & a McSwirl.

Waiting wid bated breaths to see as to who amongst ur group members is kind enough to pay d bill this time.

If people hav surpassed tat kindness long ago then getting out all ur chillars & pushing it out on a plate much to d waiter’s disgust.

Hopping in2 a bus & buying tickets for twelve. Muffling d horrified scream tat escapes ur lips when a super intelligent friend absent mindedly tears off d tickets right infront of ur eyes.

Praying wid all ur heart tat d TC’s are on a strike tat day & scanning d bus stop from a distance for signs of d blue clothed man.

Loving d adventurous day spent wid ur group & wondering how u all would do without each other in d times to come

Shrugging off d idea of separation after school, promising each other tat d group will remain intact, d meetings & outings & d fun part will not evaporate as time passes by.

But then d time does pass by, best friends who could not live without each other’s company learn to face life all alone.

Mayb they become so independent tat straying away from ur older lot becomes d most natural thing to do....

But yes there are some weirdo’s like us who can’t help but cling on to those very memories which we consider as d glorious days of our lives.

And for us poor souls, rewinding & forwarding d cassettes of those memories in d tape recorders of our minds, becomes d chief key to leading a pleasurable life ahead.

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