That day, Elcot's managing director, C. Umashankar, walked into his office in Chennai, Tamil Nadu and was handed a brand new laptop. He recalls promptly giving it back to his PA. "I asked him to load Suse Linux on it. I guess he was surprised. But when the installation -- complete with drivers and wireless networking -- only took 45 minutes and very little external effort, there was a new confidence in my PA." That confidence spread quickly. And with it came more penguins. Within weeks, the Rs 750-crore(Can$192 million)Elcot was undergoing a enterprise-wide migration to Suse Linux. A year later, Umashankar and his team had moved 30,000 computers and 1,880 severs belonging to some of the state's schools to Linux -- creating possibly the largest Linux rollout in India.
March of the Penguins
The decision to move to Linux could not have been anything if not daunting. As the nodal agency for information and communication technology of a state with the population of the UK, Elcot has enormous responsibilities -- current projects include creating an electoral database and photo identity cards, computerizing land records and driving licenses, producing eight million farmers cards and 18 million family cards (used by families below the poverty line to draw monthly rations from the PDS), among others. In short, there are a million ways they can blow it.
And with no vendor support, the odds were against them.
Meanwhile, in his office, Umashankar had other problems. Like many pioneers, his vision held good only where his voice reached. Leading his secretariat to his vision of the Linux-enabled enterprise was one thing, convincing other government agencies that Elcot shifted gears with, was another.
But Umashankar knew what needed to be done. He was convinced that it was only a matter of time before the price of staying proprietary became crushing. With every technology refresh, with every piece of additional hardware, with every new school that his department provided for, with every new service they wanted to offer various government bodies and with every new PC Elcot bought, staying proprietary came at a significant price.
By the first week of June 2006, Umashankar started moving Elcot's desktops to Suse Linux OS. The entire organization followed in phases, and slowly at first. The migration of over 200 desktops at Elcot's HQ took just over eight months.
"During the migration although there were no issues, like all new things, it faced resistance. But once people started using it, they saw benefits and became fond of it. We won't go back, this is an irreversible process," says P.R.Krishnamoorthy, senior business development manager at Elcot.
As users caught on with Umashankar's infectious enthusiasm, they started getting more familiar with the features of their new OS. Soon a cycle of interest developed and users found new ways of switching mail clients to work on Suse Linux.
"First they migrated from Outlook Express to Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows. From there they took the mail folder and put it into the Suse Linux system, and started operating Thunderbird over Suse Linux system. Novel, isn't it?" Umashankar asks proudly.
This interest helped his campaign to migrate completely to Suse Linux, from a 100 percent Windows environment.
But why Suse Linux? To begin with, Elcot found that the Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop matched and surpassed the Windows OS where ease of use was concerned.
But initially, Elcot thought that half their desktops should be commissioned with Red Hat and other half with Suse.
Later, because of its user-friendly interface and backed by popular demand, users decided to migrate to Suse Linux en-masse.
"Our aim was to migrate to Linux and not a particular version of Linux. We had issues with Red Hat in certain areas. Ubuntu has only Gnome at the front end.
We wanted KDE too, as it closely matches the traditional Windows XP environment. To migrate from Windows to Linux this was essential," Umashankar says.
And, he says, Suse does not require a technical person to install since everything is automatic and front-end driven and device drivers are detected automatically.
Initially, Umashankar says, they had some issues with an existing procurement application that was developed in ASP. It wouldn't work under Mozilla Firefox.
Umashankar's solution was simple, "We got the coding changed to work on Mozilla Firefox. Problem fixed."
Nothing Beats A Good Price
As much fun as it was to fiddle with Linux, it wasn't fun that drove Umashankar's decision to switch platforms.
Before he become an Indian Administrative Services officer, Umashankar spent time at three nationalized banks. He also served as the district collector of Tiruvarur (a district in Tamil Nadu) for two years, during which all the taluks under his jurisdiction achieved an over 85 percent score on paperless automation. This included modules for land record administration, national old age pension schemes and agricultural laborers' insurance.
Umashankar knew his IT and he knew the financial burden it put on the government.
The decision to migrate to Linux was driven primarily by cost. It was hard to escape the cold figures before Umashankar: Elcot saved Rs 5 crore on every 20 servers it set up with Linux. And they had over 1,800 servers.
In addition, Umashankar says that the shift saves them about 25 percent on any general hardware purchases -- and as much as 90 percent on the high-end servers.
Umashankar says that his office uses the suite. This saves them close to Rs 12,000 on each desktop, he says.
"We buy Intel dual core desktops with 19" TFT monitors for Rs 21,600 including the Linux OS. If we bought a proprietary office suite at Rs 12,000 for each desktop, the cost of commissioning infrastructure would go up to Rs 33,600 -- a 55 percent increase," he says.
And when you have to refresh over 30,000 PCs, that's a figure that can add up: to about Rs 17 crore.
And that's not all. These figures don't take into account software upgrades for applications. By using the free suite and a Linux OS, Elcot has bypassed yearly licensing fees for proprietary software.
A corollary benefit is that the government no longer needs to procure additional hardware required to run upgraded versions of most proprietary software. Umashankar estimates that just this saves the government between 45 and 50 percent of a project's initial hardware costs, which makes it easier to buy more computers for schools.
In addition, Umashankar says Elcot got rid of about 100 anti-virus licenses that were rendered redundant, because as one official claims viruses have "became extinct."
Once Umashankar had broken the ice surrounding Linux, other open source applications were more welcome. Take for example how Elcot was recently asked to get software for a school for the visually challenged.
Their search for vendor came up with one company in Mumbai that offered them five user licenses for Rs 5 lakh. For an agency whose objective is to find the best price for public funds, it was a price Elcot found hard to swallow.
So Umashankar took the open source route. Their focused efforts led them to Orca, a free software running on Ubuntu Linux to assist the visually impaired. Elcot put together a massive three-day program to train visually-challenged teachers across the state on ORCA. They learnt how to handle a machine running on Ubuntu. Now Umashankar plans to bring more teachers and schools under ORCA.
Where the 'Open and Free' Live
Today, Elcot's 30-seater software development center uses a strong OSS framework to develop its packages for government departments. "For the integrated development environment, the team uses Netbeans IDE, Postgresql for database, Jboss for deployment server, Jasper report for fixed width report development, Mantis for bug tracking and Subversion for version control," Umashankar says.
The development center runs a few major applications. The first is the family card administration system.
Every family in the state has to possess one of these cards to receive monthly rations.
"Earlier the system was put on a critical client-server run on Microsoft, but there was a whole lot of confusion," says Umashankar. "So we switched over from client-server architecture to an open source system." Branch offices of the Food and Civil Supplies Department capture family card data -- including scanned photos using HP's scanners which work on Kooka, a free software for scanning. These are then attached to a database using a Web-based application.
On the server side, Elcot switched the application and database from Windows to Linux. Under the old Windows-based client-server system, once contractors captured data they integrated it with the Linux server. After the migration, contractors and Elcot officials were given user IDs and passwords on the newly developed Web-based system powered by OSS. All 30 branch managers were given training on the new application software for one day. They, in turn, trained the data entry operators.
"There was no issue in moving applications because they are all Web-based -- users only get a browser as a front end, so they didn't find any difference. In fact, it is easier to use because we don't have to install any applications on local machines and training is minimal," says senior business development manager Krishnamoorthy.
"This is the first software run on Tamil Nadu statewide area network (SWAN). The data capture operations were completely decentralized at the district level. It can be scaled up to the taluk level, depending on the requirements of the Food and Civil Supplies Department. Within 30 days, the team cleared the entire backlog of family card applications, and relieved the government from public pressure," Umashankar recalls.
This first project took less than a week's time to start. Today, data from 19.8 million families are available on servers hosted at the head office's mini data center. It is worth about 1 TB of data and counting. The database will be moved soon to Elcot's larger database center.
Other projects include the online registration of property, which when completed will enable citizens to register land or property online. Elcot has also recently released the first-ever Linux powered ATM. Thanks to its Linux operating system, Umashankar says, it will be available in the market at one sixth the average price of a regular ATM machine.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Avoid Trojans and Viruses
Internet Intruders are unwanted software that is installed while surfing the Internet, and that typically uses the Internet in the process of exploiting the user and the user's machine. Typically such software is installed without the user's full awareness of the consequences of such an install (although the user might have been given some notice of what would happen). Such software is typically difficult to manually detect, and difficult to remove. It usually compromises some combination of the user's privacy, the confidentiality of the user's information, or the user's productivity. Productivity is compromised when frequent ads popup, when bandwidth and storage space is consumed, when pages load more slowly, etc.
Spyware is one of the most typical Internet intruders. Spyware, is any product that employs a user's Internet connection in the background without their knowledge, and gathers/transmits info on the user or their behavior. Many spyware products will collect referrer info (information from your web browser which reveals what URL you linked from), your IP address (a number that is used by computers on the network to identify your computer), system information (such as time of visit, type of browser used, the operating system and platform, and CPU speed.) Spyware products sometimes wrap other commercial products, and are introduced to machines when those commercial products are installed.
Trojans, also known as RATS (remote access Trojans), is another type of Internet intruder. Like the horse of old, a trojan carries with it an unexpected surprise. Trojans do not replicate like a virus, but they do leave behind a program that can be contacted by another computer. From there, they can do just about anything. While it's possible a trojan can be used to take control of a computer, the most common trojans are dialer programs. Dialers are used without your knowledge to make international or premium calls (900-type numbers) from your PC. That's more than an annoyance; it can get expensive.
Trojans are most often hidden in games and other small software programs that unsuspecting users download then unknowingly execute on their PCs. Two common trojans are known as Back Orifice and SubSeven.
Adware is software that displays advertisements to computer users. Some of the most strict definitions of adware include applications that are sponsored for their free use. For example, Gator is one adware that collects users information in exchange for its free use.
Spyware's Symptoms
Spyware, trojans and adware contact other computers, and each of them is program of its own, therefore they use system resources such as CPU cycles, memory and an Internet connection.
Slower Computer Speed
There are several reasons your computer may be running slow, but if you use it on a regular basis, then you're familiar with their normal speed. Older computers tend to run slower. Some applications cause computers to run slower. Computers are machines, they do not have moods. A sudden change in how your computer is running could be a sign of spyware or adware.
E-Mail Symptoms
If you're getting a lot of bounced back mail and see evidence of e-mails being sent without your knowledge, then it's possible that trojan spamware has found its way onto your computer. Spamware is a trojan that can turn your computer into a spam launching pad and create headaches for unknowing computer users, especially if a virus is sent. Even if your computer is not being used to send spam, trojans can steal a copy of your e-mail address book and send it back to a spammer.
Abnormal Behaviors
Victims of some trojans report CD drives opening and shutting, or programs opening and closing. These are all signs a program may be up to no good in the background.
Offline Symptoms
Keyboard loggers can capture passwords and user names, so if the bank, brokerage or credit card accounts you access online appear to have been tampered with, your computer may be a place to start looking for clues. User names and passwords to e-mail and Web-based applications are also vulnerable.
If you have any reason to believe someone is interested in tracking what you do online, scan for spyware regularly.
Pop-Up Advertisements
If the following signs are present, it might be an indication that you are infected with Adware or spyware.
-- Ads pop-up on your desktop or over offline applications such as a word processor
-- Ads pop-up when you visited a Web site or open a new Web page.
-- Pop-ups appear after you visited hacker sites or pornographic sites.
-- The pop-up ads are targeting on terms you have searched recently .
Locating Internet Intruders on Your PC
To locate Internet intruders, your first stop should be the Add/Remove Programs section of your Windows Control Panel (Start Menu --> Settings --> Control Panel). You should also check the Windows Start-Up Folder (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu) to see if any programs have been added.
Evidence of spyware infestations can also be found in your computer's registry. It is recommended that only experienced computer users change the registry, and there are registry editors available that help makes changes when they are needed. There are also registry monitors that keep track of which applications are accessing your computer's registry.
Removal of Internet Intruders
One of the first things you should do if you find a trojan or spyware on your computer is disconnect it from the Internet. It is probably not enough to just close a browser session; you should pull the phone line out of the wall or disconnect the modem so your computer is not connected to any network.
Spyware and Adware Scanning Software
The easiest way to find and remove spyware and adware is with scanning software. Anti-spyware software is not the same as anti-virus software, although some anti-virus packages will detect some known spyware programs. The good news is that some of the most functional anti-spyware and anti-adware software is free.
Anti-spyware software works in much the same way as anti-virus software. It scans your computer's hard drive and looks for files associated with known spyware and adware programs. After the scan, the software usually displays or quarantines potential problems and allows users to decide what should be removed. As mention earlier, definitions vary and your tolerance to certain advertising-related cookies may be high.
Like anti-virus software, anti-spyware software relies on databases of known rogue programs that must be updated. Regardless of which anti-spyware package you decide to use, make sure you understand how and when it updates so you are protected against the newest pests. Also check any type of spyware or adware removal programs with the spyware databases. A program called SpywareNuker claims to be a removal program, but has been reported to be spyware itself.
Some anti-spyware software may specialize in locating only keyloggers, for example, so read the features before you use it.
Other Removal Options
You can always check the Add/Remove Programs section of Windows to see if any adware or spyware is listed. Some of the quasi-legitimate adware programs may include uninstallers, but malicious pests do not.
There is a fairly complete list of adware programs, what they do, and how to manually remove them (if possible) at parasite.
Blocking Pop-Up Ads
One way to avoid the potential danger lurking behind pop-up ads is to install software that blocks them. Many ISPs offer tools to stop pop-ups from appearing. The Mozilla browser does not allow pop-ups. The Google Toolbar also blocks pop-up ads.
There are numerous programs that block pop-ups. Before installing them, research the developer and the company to make sure they are legitimate. Also be sure to note how they effect your system. Some pop-up blockers may discourage new windows, such as instant messages being sent to you, from opening.
Click here for a list of pop-up blocking software:
Freeware downloads Browser Tools - Popup Blockers -, we download it before you do!.
Windows Messenger Pop-Ups
One relatively new form of pop-up that has been annoying Internet users with potentially dangerous effects is spam being sent using the Windows Messaging feature in Windows XP. This is not the instant messaging software that is used by millions of computer users, but rather an administrative tool that is meant to be used by systems administrators to contact users.
While there are utilities that claim to stop such pop-ups, the Windows Messenger feature is relatively easy to disable. To disable the Windows Messenger in Windows XP:
In Windows XP --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools. Double-click Services. Double-click
Messenger. In the Startup type list, choose Disabled. Click Stop, and then click OK.
Prevention of Internet Intruders
Safe E-Mailing
You probably know that opening spam or any e-mail from persons unknown or with an unexpected attachment is unwise. In addition to viruses, RATS and other programs can be present in e-mail attachments. Web sites advertised in unsolicited e-mail can try to plant dialers or other types of pests on your computer.
If you use Outlook or Outlook Express for your e-mail, there are some settings you can adjust to make your e-mail safe from spyware and viruses. The Preview Pane, which lets you view an e-mail while keeping your mailbox on the screen, has been a cause of concern among e-mail users, especially if you have scripting or ActiveX enabled. By automatically opening e-mails, there are reports of viruses spreading, such as the KAK-Worm. Malicious content like the KAK-Worm exploits security holes in the software, so enabling or disabling the Preview Pane is not the ultimate issue. Keeping up with patches and security fixes is a better long-term solution.
To disable the Preview Pane in Outlook, click on the View menu. For more information on securing Outlook and Outlook Express, read this: Outlook Express Security
Safe Surfing
Be careful what you download. Read all dialogue boxes carefully and close anything that looks suspicious. When closing dialogue boxes or pop-up advertisements, be sure to use the proper "X" to close the window. The Web is full of ads that feature mock "Xs" or "Close" or "OK" buttons within the ad. Clicking on them actually clicked on the ad itself. If you're not sure how to safely close a window that has opened in your browser, right click on the window in your Windows Taskbar (usually at the bottom of your display) and click on "Close."
Some ads that appear online attempt to pass themselves off as security alerts or messages from tech support (these are called FUIs, or Fake User Interface, ads). If you're using a computer within an organization, communicate with your tech support staff if you're unsure whether a message is legitimate, and familiarize yourself with how tech support communicates with the computer users in your organizations.
Spyware is one of the most typical Internet intruders. Spyware, is any product that employs a user's Internet connection in the background without their knowledge, and gathers/transmits info on the user or their behavior. Many spyware products will collect referrer info (information from your web browser which reveals what URL you linked from), your IP address (a number that is used by computers on the network to identify your computer), system information (such as time of visit, type of browser used, the operating system and platform, and CPU speed.) Spyware products sometimes wrap other commercial products, and are introduced to machines when those commercial products are installed.
Trojans, also known as RATS (remote access Trojans), is another type of Internet intruder. Like the horse of old, a trojan carries with it an unexpected surprise. Trojans do not replicate like a virus, but they do leave behind a program that can be contacted by another computer. From there, they can do just about anything. While it's possible a trojan can be used to take control of a computer, the most common trojans are dialer programs. Dialers are used without your knowledge to make international or premium calls (900-type numbers) from your PC. That's more than an annoyance; it can get expensive.
Trojans are most often hidden in games and other small software programs that unsuspecting users download then unknowingly execute on their PCs. Two common trojans are known as Back Orifice and SubSeven.
Adware is software that displays advertisements to computer users. Some of the most strict definitions of adware include applications that are sponsored for their free use. For example, Gator is one adware that collects users information in exchange for its free use.
Spyware's Symptoms
Spyware, trojans and adware contact other computers, and each of them is program of its own, therefore they use system resources such as CPU cycles, memory and an Internet connection.
Slower Computer Speed
There are several reasons your computer may be running slow, but if you use it on a regular basis, then you're familiar with their normal speed. Older computers tend to run slower. Some applications cause computers to run slower. Computers are machines, they do not have moods. A sudden change in how your computer is running could be a sign of spyware or adware.
E-Mail Symptoms
If you're getting a lot of bounced back mail and see evidence of e-mails being sent without your knowledge, then it's possible that trojan spamware has found its way onto your computer. Spamware is a trojan that can turn your computer into a spam launching pad and create headaches for unknowing computer users, especially if a virus is sent. Even if your computer is not being used to send spam, trojans can steal a copy of your e-mail address book and send it back to a spammer.
Abnormal Behaviors
Victims of some trojans report CD drives opening and shutting, or programs opening and closing. These are all signs a program may be up to no good in the background.
Offline Symptoms
Keyboard loggers can capture passwords and user names, so if the bank, brokerage or credit card accounts you access online appear to have been tampered with, your computer may be a place to start looking for clues. User names and passwords to e-mail and Web-based applications are also vulnerable.
If you have any reason to believe someone is interested in tracking what you do online, scan for spyware regularly.
Pop-Up Advertisements
If the following signs are present, it might be an indication that you are infected with Adware or spyware.
-- Ads pop-up on your desktop or over offline applications such as a word processor
-- Ads pop-up when you visited a Web site or open a new Web page.
-- Pop-ups appear after you visited hacker sites or pornographic sites.
-- The pop-up ads are targeting on terms you have searched recently .
Locating Internet Intruders on Your PC
To locate Internet intruders, your first stop should be the Add/Remove Programs section of your Windows Control Panel (Start Menu --> Settings --> Control Panel). You should also check the Windows Start-Up Folder (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu) to see if any programs have been added.
Evidence of spyware infestations can also be found in your computer's registry. It is recommended that only experienced computer users change the registry, and there are registry editors available that help makes changes when they are needed. There are also registry monitors that keep track of which applications are accessing your computer's registry.
Removal of Internet Intruders
One of the first things you should do if you find a trojan or spyware on your computer is disconnect it from the Internet. It is probably not enough to just close a browser session; you should pull the phone line out of the wall or disconnect the modem so your computer is not connected to any network.
Spyware and Adware Scanning Software
The easiest way to find and remove spyware and adware is with scanning software. Anti-spyware software is not the same as anti-virus software, although some anti-virus packages will detect some known spyware programs. The good news is that some of the most functional anti-spyware and anti-adware software is free.
Anti-spyware software works in much the same way as anti-virus software. It scans your computer's hard drive and looks for files associated with known spyware and adware programs. After the scan, the software usually displays or quarantines potential problems and allows users to decide what should be removed. As mention earlier, definitions vary and your tolerance to certain advertising-related cookies may be high.
Like anti-virus software, anti-spyware software relies on databases of known rogue programs that must be updated. Regardless of which anti-spyware package you decide to use, make sure you understand how and when it updates so you are protected against the newest pests. Also check any type of spyware or adware removal programs with the spyware databases. A program called SpywareNuker claims to be a removal program, but has been reported to be spyware itself.
Some anti-spyware software may specialize in locating only keyloggers, for example, so read the features before you use it.
Other Removal Options
You can always check the Add/Remove Programs section of Windows to see if any adware or spyware is listed. Some of the quasi-legitimate adware programs may include uninstallers, but malicious pests do not.
There is a fairly complete list of adware programs, what they do, and how to manually remove them (if possible) at parasite.
Blocking Pop-Up Ads
One way to avoid the potential danger lurking behind pop-up ads is to install software that blocks them. Many ISPs offer tools to stop pop-ups from appearing. The Mozilla browser does not allow pop-ups. The Google Toolbar also blocks pop-up ads.
There are numerous programs that block pop-ups. Before installing them, research the developer and the company to make sure they are legitimate. Also be sure to note how they effect your system. Some pop-up blockers may discourage new windows, such as instant messages being sent to you, from opening.
Click here for a list of pop-up blocking software:
Freeware downloads Browser Tools - Popup Blockers -, we download it before you do!.
Windows Messenger Pop-Ups
One relatively new form of pop-up that has been annoying Internet users with potentially dangerous effects is spam being sent using the Windows Messaging feature in Windows XP. This is not the instant messaging software that is used by millions of computer users, but rather an administrative tool that is meant to be used by systems administrators to contact users.
While there are utilities that claim to stop such pop-ups, the Windows Messenger feature is relatively easy to disable. To disable the Windows Messenger in Windows XP:
In Windows XP --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools. Double-click Services. Double-click
Messenger. In the Startup type list, choose Disabled. Click Stop, and then click OK.
Prevention of Internet Intruders
Safe E-Mailing
You probably know that opening spam or any e-mail from persons unknown or with an unexpected attachment is unwise. In addition to viruses, RATS and other programs can be present in e-mail attachments. Web sites advertised in unsolicited e-mail can try to plant dialers or other types of pests on your computer.
If you use Outlook or Outlook Express for your e-mail, there are some settings you can adjust to make your e-mail safe from spyware and viruses. The Preview Pane, which lets you view an e-mail while keeping your mailbox on the screen, has been a cause of concern among e-mail users, especially if you have scripting or ActiveX enabled. By automatically opening e-mails, there are reports of viruses spreading, such as the KAK-Worm. Malicious content like the KAK-Worm exploits security holes in the software, so enabling or disabling the Preview Pane is not the ultimate issue. Keeping up with patches and security fixes is a better long-term solution.
To disable the Preview Pane in Outlook, click on the View menu. For more information on securing Outlook and Outlook Express, read this: Outlook Express Security
Safe Surfing
Be careful what you download. Read all dialogue boxes carefully and close anything that looks suspicious. When closing dialogue boxes or pop-up advertisements, be sure to use the proper "X" to close the window. The Web is full of ads that feature mock "Xs" or "Close" or "OK" buttons within the ad. Clicking on them actually clicked on the ad itself. If you're not sure how to safely close a window that has opened in your browser, right click on the window in your Windows Taskbar (usually at the bottom of your display) and click on "Close."
Some ads that appear online attempt to pass themselves off as security alerts or messages from tech support (these are called FUIs, or Fake User Interface, ads). If you're using a computer within an organization, communicate with your tech support staff if you're unsure whether a message is legitimate, and familiarize yourself with how tech support communicates with the computer users in your organizations.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Save your Ears, Know what your MP3 player does!
This guide is to help you and provide you some tips and for your knowledge and Not To Create A Fear
Increasing Popularity, Great number of choices , Small, Easy, Good and Fall in Prices and the Coolness factor of having one factors have made us to buy one of the Portable Media Players
They let you listen to the music on the go and give hours of battery life and easily charge back again in no time from your laptops.
And They have lots of other features that you know geeks know them much better then a layman out there !
One of the most neglected factor by people is the hearing problems that these MP3 players bring with themselves. This will now be proved .
Presented will the research done by scientists and noise experts to prove the point !!!
The damage to your ears is depends both on the noise level and time of exposure
Sound levels is measured in A-weighted decibel (dBA) units its on a logarithmic scale
which means 2dBA is 10 times 1dBA !! Note This Point !!
Noise level Table
How loud is too loud?
Decibel level What we hear
10 dB Normal breathing
20 dB Rustling leaves, mosquito
30 dB Whisper
40 dB Stream, refrigerator humming
50-60 dB Quiet office
50-65 dB Normal conversation
60-65 dB Laughter Every day Conversation
70 dB Vacuum cleaner, hair dryer Restaurant
75 dB Dishwasher
78 dB Washing machine, High Class Room without a teacher
80 dB Garbage disposal, city traffic noise
Prolonged exposure to any noise above 85 dB can cause gradual hearing loss.
84 dB Diesel truck
70-90 dB Recreational vehicle
88 dB Subway, motorcycle
85-90 dB Lawnmower
100 dB Train, garbage truck
97 dB Newspaper press
98 dB Farm tractor
Regular exposure of more than 1 minute risks permanent hearing loss.
103 dB Jet flyover at 100 feet
105 dB Snowmobile
110 dB Jackhammer, power saw, symphony orchestra
120 dB Thunderclap, discotheque/boom box
110-125 dB Stereo Rock Music
110-140 dB Rock concerts
130 dB Jet takeoff, shotgun firing
145 dB Boom cars
A Flash Based Meter with Noise
Music dBA levels
60-70 dB normal piano practice
70 dB fortissimo singer 3 ft. away
75-85 dB chamber music in small auditorium
84-103 dB violin
85-111 dB flute
85-114 dB trombone
106 dB timpani & bass drum rolls
120-137 dB symphonic music peak
150 dB rock music peak
Safe levels beyond which u face risk
80 dBA 8hrs ( but note 80dBA is Considered risky in the long term )
90 dbA 8 hrs
92 dbA 6 hrs
95 dbA 4 hrs ( This is the level @ which people listen to in heavy traffic )
97 dbA 3 hrs
100 dbA 2 hrs
102 dbA 1.5 hrs
105 dbA 1 hr
110 dbA 0.5 hr
115 dbA 0.25 hr or le
So the sound level at a normal conversation is 60dBA and if your mom calls you or some one says something to you when you are listening to music and you can't hear then it means you are listening to music @ 80dBA
Sound Levels about 80 dBA are considered dangerous !! That that's also the sound level of city traffic !! Now If you are listening to music in city traffic then the output of your music player will be certainly more then the ambient sound of 80dbA and will be around 90dBA which is very dangerous when exposure time is long !!
If you think you have "gotten used to" the noise you are routinely exposed to, then most likely you have already suffered damage and have acquired a permanent hearing loss. Don't be fooled by thinking your ears are "tough" or that you have the ability to "tune it out"! Noise induced hearing loss is usually gradual and painless, but, unfortunately, permanent. Once destroyed, the hearing nerve and its sensory nerve cells do not regenerate!
Noise hearing loss usually starts with high frequencies !!
High frequency sound ringtones are used by students in USA in classrooms !!
Simply Put the Younger Students can hear the high frequencies well but the teacher can't and hence small kids use these ringtones in the middle of classroom to go unnoticed !!
Getting Back to Sound Levels by Music Players these charts make it clear !

So you can clearly see that volume levels of 60-70 % is risky !!
All combinations of headphones/earphones and MP3 players generate potentially harmful sound levels !
It will take from 12 minutes (at 102 dBA) to seven hours (at 86 dBA) to exceed the occupational noise limit noted above. You will exceed the limit in just one minute if you played heavy metal or pop music at full volume levels of 114 dBA. At this sound level, exposure for longer durations can pose a risk of immediate, serious and permanent hearing loss. !!!
The Bottom Line Is Your MP3 Player Will Damage Your Ears Any Way !!!
Bose that's why came up noise cancellation headphones for airlines.....remember the ad ??
So when there is lots of ambient noise just shut your music player and save your ears !!
Compiled from various sources !!
Increasing Popularity, Great number of choices , Small, Easy, Good and Fall in Prices and the Coolness factor of having one factors have made us to buy one of the Portable Media Players
They let you listen to the music on the go and give hours of battery life and easily charge back again in no time from your laptops.
And They have lots of other features that you know geeks know them much better then a layman out there !
One of the most neglected factor by people is the hearing problems that these MP3 players bring with themselves. This will now be proved .
Presented will the research done by scientists and noise experts to prove the point !!!
The damage to your ears is depends both on the noise level and time of exposure
Sound levels is measured in A-weighted decibel (dBA) units its on a logarithmic scale
which means 2dBA is 10 times 1dBA !! Note This Point !!
Noise level Table
How loud is too loud?
Decibel level What we hear
10 dB Normal breathing
20 dB Rustling leaves, mosquito
30 dB Whisper
40 dB Stream, refrigerator humming
50-60 dB Quiet office
50-65 dB Normal conversation
60-65 dB Laughter Every day Conversation
70 dB Vacuum cleaner, hair dryer Restaurant
75 dB Dishwasher
78 dB Washing machine, High Class Room without a teacher
80 dB Garbage disposal, city traffic noise
Prolonged exposure to any noise above 85 dB can cause gradual hearing loss.
84 dB Diesel truck
70-90 dB Recreational vehicle
88 dB Subway, motorcycle
85-90 dB Lawnmower
100 dB Train, garbage truck
97 dB Newspaper press
98 dB Farm tractor
Regular exposure of more than 1 minute risks permanent hearing loss.
103 dB Jet flyover at 100 feet
105 dB Snowmobile
110 dB Jackhammer, power saw, symphony orchestra
120 dB Thunderclap, discotheque/boom box
110-125 dB Stereo Rock Music
110-140 dB Rock concerts
130 dB Jet takeoff, shotgun firing
145 dB Boom cars
A Flash Based Meter with Noise
Music dBA levels
60-70 dB normal piano practice
70 dB fortissimo singer 3 ft. away
75-85 dB chamber music in small auditorium
84-103 dB violin
85-111 dB flute
85-114 dB trombone
106 dB timpani & bass drum rolls
120-137 dB symphonic music peak
150 dB rock music peak
Safe levels beyond which u face risk
80 dBA 8hrs ( but note 80dBA is Considered risky in the long term )
90 dbA 8 hrs
92 dbA 6 hrs
95 dbA 4 hrs ( This is the level @ which people listen to in heavy traffic )
97 dbA 3 hrs
100 dbA 2 hrs
102 dbA 1.5 hrs
105 dbA 1 hr
110 dbA 0.5 hr
115 dbA 0.25 hr or le
So the sound level at a normal conversation is 60dBA and if your mom calls you or some one says something to you when you are listening to music and you can't hear then it means you are listening to music @ 80dBA
Sound Levels about 80 dBA are considered dangerous !! That that's also the sound level of city traffic !! Now If you are listening to music in city traffic then the output of your music player will be certainly more then the ambient sound of 80dbA and will be around 90dBA which is very dangerous when exposure time is long !!
If you think you have "gotten used to" the noise you are routinely exposed to, then most likely you have already suffered damage and have acquired a permanent hearing loss. Don't be fooled by thinking your ears are "tough" or that you have the ability to "tune it out"! Noise induced hearing loss is usually gradual and painless, but, unfortunately, permanent. Once destroyed, the hearing nerve and its sensory nerve cells do not regenerate!
Noise hearing loss usually starts with high frequencies !!
High frequency sound ringtones are used by students in USA in classrooms !!
Simply Put the Younger Students can hear the high frequencies well but the teacher can't and hence small kids use these ringtones in the middle of classroom to go unnoticed !!
Getting Back to Sound Levels by Music Players these charts make it clear !
So you can clearly see that volume levels of 60-70 % is risky !!
All combinations of headphones/earphones and MP3 players generate potentially harmful sound levels !
It will take from 12 minutes (at 102 dBA) to seven hours (at 86 dBA) to exceed the occupational noise limit noted above. You will exceed the limit in just one minute if you played heavy metal or pop music at full volume levels of 114 dBA. At this sound level, exposure for longer durations can pose a risk of immediate, serious and permanent hearing loss. !!!
The Bottom Line Is Your MP3 Player Will Damage Your Ears Any Way !!!
Bose that's why came up noise cancellation headphones for airlines.....remember the ad ??
So when there is lots of ambient noise just shut your music player and save your ears !!
Compiled from various sources !!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Who says India is poor? Our politicians are certainly not!
NEW DELHI: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati is growing richer by the year. Last year, her income was estimated at an impressive Rs 52 crore, while she has already grossed Rs 60 crore and is expected to close the fiscal with an even bigger kitty.
Till the December quarter, the Dalit leader had paid Rs 15 crore advance tax. At 33% income tax slab, this works out to an income of around Rs 45 crore. If the trend continues between December 15, when the last instalment of advance tax was paid, and March 31, 2008, she could end the year with an income of Rs 60 crore.
Indeed, if the turnout at her January 15 birthday bash is any indication, she could close the year with a much higher income. BSP chief has attributed her remarkable financial rise to 'gifts' from her generous supporters.
Based on her Rs 9.7 crore payout on December 15, Mayawati was already ranked 18th in the all-India individual taxpayers category, a remarkable rise for the former government schoolteacher. And based on her payments till December, which amounted to Rs 15 crore, she was placed 19th.
She is ranked a few notches below Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan in the advance tax list. Not only is Mayawati's income more than that of any politician, she ranks higher than the Ambani brothers, Birlas, Bachchans, Ratan Tata and Infosys' Nandan Nilekani.
Kumaramangalam Birla trails the Dalit leader, at 57th place, while the richest cricketer, 'Master Blaster' Tendulkar is a distant 85th. Aamir Khan is placed even farther, at a not-so-impressive 123rd.
Mayawati's explanation about the turnaround in her fortunes may appear a fairy tale to many, but was accepted last year by the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal which legitimized her claim. The script is likely to remain the same this year as well. More so, she is in power now.
Though the finance ministry usually does not get into proving the source of income of individuals, it has in Mayawati's case, as in many other instances earlier, shown its readiness to examine the veracity of her claim.
Mayawati in her statements before the taxmen and to the CBI, which is investigating her in a disproportionate assets case, had claimed that her supporters had given her large amounts of cash and pledged their personal properties out of "love and affection" and for the welfare of the downtrodden and the Dalits.
Till the December quarter, the Dalit leader had paid Rs 15 crore advance tax. At 33% income tax slab, this works out to an income of around Rs 45 crore. If the trend continues between December 15, when the last instalment of advance tax was paid, and March 31, 2008, she could end the year with an income of Rs 60 crore.
Indeed, if the turnout at her January 15 birthday bash is any indication, she could close the year with a much higher income. BSP chief has attributed her remarkable financial rise to 'gifts' from her generous supporters.
Based on her Rs 9.7 crore payout on December 15, Mayawati was already ranked 18th in the all-India individual taxpayers category, a remarkable rise for the former government schoolteacher. And based on her payments till December, which amounted to Rs 15 crore, she was placed 19th.
She is ranked a few notches below Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan in the advance tax list. Not only is Mayawati's income more than that of any politician, she ranks higher than the Ambani brothers, Birlas, Bachchans, Ratan Tata and Infosys' Nandan Nilekani.
Kumaramangalam Birla trails the Dalit leader, at 57th place, while the richest cricketer, 'Master Blaster' Tendulkar is a distant 85th. Aamir Khan is placed even farther, at a not-so-impressive 123rd.
Mayawati's explanation about the turnaround in her fortunes may appear a fairy tale to many, but was accepted last year by the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal which legitimized her claim. The script is likely to remain the same this year as well. More so, she is in power now.
Though the finance ministry usually does not get into proving the source of income of individuals, it has in Mayawati's case, as in many other instances earlier, shown its readiness to examine the veracity of her claim.
Mayawati in her statements before the taxmen and to the CBI, which is investigating her in a disproportionate assets case, had claimed that her supporters had given her large amounts of cash and pledged their personal properties out of "love and affection" and for the welfare of the downtrodden and the Dalits.
Woh Dekho Software Engineer Jaa Raha Hai!!
I might be late in posting this here but I got an email with this beautiful poetry. Software Engineer ki Kavita!!
"Wo Dekho Software Engineer Jaa Raha Hai"
(A Tribute To All Software Engineers !!! )
Apne Project Ke Bojh Tale Daba Jaa Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Zindagi Se Hara Hua Hai, Par "Bugs" Se Haar Nahi Manata,
Apne Application Ki Ek Ek Line Ise Rati Hui Hai,
Par Aaj Kaun Se Rang Ke Moje Pehne Hain , Ye Nahi Janata,
Din Par Din Ek Excel File Banata Ja Raha Hai
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Das Hazaar Line Ke Code Main Error Dhoond Lete Hain Lekin, Majboor Dost Ki Ankhon Ki Nami Dikhayi Nahi Deti,
Pc Pe Hazaar Windows Khuli Hain,
Par Dil Ki Khidki Pe Koi Dastak Sunayi Nahi Deti,
Satuday-Sunday Nahata Nahi,
Week Days Ko Naha Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Coding Karte Karte Pata Hi Nahi Chala,
Bugs Ki Priority Kab Maa-Baap Se High Ho Gayi,
Kitabon Main Gulab Rakhne Wala ,
Cigerette Ke Dhuyen Main Kho Gaya,
Dil Ki Zameen Se Armaanon Ki Vidayi Ho Gayi,
Weekends Pe Daroo Peke Jo Jashna Mana Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Maze Lena Ho Iske To Pooch Lo,
"Salary Increment" Ki Party Kab Dila Rahe Ho,
Hansi Udana Ho To Pooch Lo,
"Onsite" Kab Ja Rahe Ho?
Wo Dekho Onsite Se Laute Team-Mate Ki Chocolates Kha Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Kharche Badh Rahe Hain, Baal Kam Ho Rahe Hain,
Kra Ki Date Ati Nahi, Income Tax Ke Sitam Ho Rahe Hain,
Lo Phir Se Bus Choot Gayi, Auto Se Aa Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Pizza Gale Se Nahi Utarta, To "Coke" Ke Sahare Nigal Liya Jata Hai,
Office Ki "Thali" Dekh Munh Hai Bigadta,
Maa Ke Hath Ka Wo Khana Baar Roz Yaad Ata Hai,
"Sprout Bhel" Bani Hai Phir Bhi, Free "Evening Snacks" Kha Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Aapne Ab Tak Li Hongi Bahut Si Chutikiya,
Software Engg. Ke Jivan Ka Sach Batati Ye Akhri Kuch Panktiyan,
Hazaron Ki Tankhwah Wala, Company Ki Karodon Ki Jeb Bharta Hai,
Software Engg. Wahi Ban Sakta Hai, Jo Lohe Ka Jigar Rakhta Hai,
Hum Log Jee Jee Ke Marte Hain , Zindagi Hai Kuch Aisi,
Ek Fauj Ki Naukri, Doosri Software Engg. Ki , Dono Ek Jaisi,
Is Kavita Ka Har Shabd Dil Ki Gehrayi Se Aa Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
"Wo Dekho Software Engineer Jaa Raha Hai"
(A Tribute To All Software Engineers !!! )
Apne Project Ke Bojh Tale Daba Jaa Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Zindagi Se Hara Hua Hai, Par "Bugs" Se Haar Nahi Manata,
Apne Application Ki Ek Ek Line Ise Rati Hui Hai,
Par Aaj Kaun Se Rang Ke Moje Pehne Hain , Ye Nahi Janata,
Din Par Din Ek Excel File Banata Ja Raha Hai
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Das Hazaar Line Ke Code Main Error Dhoond Lete Hain Lekin, Majboor Dost Ki Ankhon Ki Nami Dikhayi Nahi Deti,
Pc Pe Hazaar Windows Khuli Hain,
Par Dil Ki Khidki Pe Koi Dastak Sunayi Nahi Deti,
Satuday-Sunday Nahata Nahi,
Week Days Ko Naha Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Coding Karte Karte Pata Hi Nahi Chala,
Bugs Ki Priority Kab Maa-Baap Se High Ho Gayi,
Kitabon Main Gulab Rakhne Wala ,
Cigerette Ke Dhuyen Main Kho Gaya,
Dil Ki Zameen Se Armaanon Ki Vidayi Ho Gayi,
Weekends Pe Daroo Peke Jo Jashna Mana Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Maze Lena Ho Iske To Pooch Lo,
"Salary Increment" Ki Party Kab Dila Rahe Ho,
Hansi Udana Ho To Pooch Lo,
"Onsite" Kab Ja Rahe Ho?
Wo Dekho Onsite Se Laute Team-Mate Ki Chocolates Kha Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Kharche Badh Rahe Hain, Baal Kam Ho Rahe Hain,
Kra Ki Date Ati Nahi, Income Tax Ke Sitam Ho Rahe Hain,
Lo Phir Se Bus Choot Gayi, Auto Se Aa Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Pizza Gale Se Nahi Utarta, To "Coke" Ke Sahare Nigal Liya Jata Hai,
Office Ki "Thali" Dekh Munh Hai Bigadta,
Maa Ke Hath Ka Wo Khana Baar Roz Yaad Ata Hai,
"Sprout Bhel" Bani Hai Phir Bhi, Free "Evening Snacks" Kha Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Aapne Ab Tak Li Hongi Bahut Si Chutikiya,
Software Engg. Ke Jivan Ka Sach Batati Ye Akhri Kuch Panktiyan,
Hazaron Ki Tankhwah Wala, Company Ki Karodon Ki Jeb Bharta Hai,
Software Engg. Wahi Ban Sakta Hai, Jo Lohe Ka Jigar Rakhta Hai,
Hum Log Jee Jee Ke Marte Hain , Zindagi Hai Kuch Aisi,
Ek Fauj Ki Naukri, Doosri Software Engg. Ki , Dono Ek Jaisi,
Is Kavita Ka Har Shabd Dil Ki Gehrayi Se Aa Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Wo Dekho Ek Software Engineer Ja Raha Hai,
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Pay the Barge my toll
A beautiful song i just stumbled upon by ForgottenPhoenix
Pay the barge my toll,
Let me in
Release my soul
I have done many wrongs
Hurt many people
Refused god
And his steeple
I’ve seen people crying
All at my hand
And their pain
was never something I could understand
But please
Pay the barge my toll,
Let me in
Release my soul
It may be to late
And the damage may be done
But the journey to save my soul
Has only just begun
In god’s words
I have found salvation
I have !
Don’t let my soul fall to abomination
I’m learning
So gatekeeper please
Pay the barge my toll
Let me in
Release my soul
I have changed
Seen the error in my ways
Tried to repent
Yet died like this all the same
Don’t let the barge
Take me away
I died before my time
And seen the error in my ways
So please take pity Gatekeeper
Pay the barge my toll,
Let me in
Release my soul
Pay the barge my toll,
Let me in
Release my soul
I have done many wrongs
Hurt many people
Refused god
And his steeple
I’ve seen people crying
All at my hand
And their pain
was never something I could understand
But please
Pay the barge my toll,
Let me in
Release my soul
It may be to late
And the damage may be done
But the journey to save my soul
Has only just begun
In god’s words
I have found salvation
I have !
Don’t let my soul fall to abomination
I’m learning
So gatekeeper please
Pay the barge my toll
Let me in
Release my soul
I have changed
Seen the error in my ways
Tried to repent
Yet died like this all the same
Don’t let the barge
Take me away
I died before my time
And seen the error in my ways
So please take pity Gatekeeper
Pay the barge my toll,
Let me in
Release my soul
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Winter in Mumbai
Mumbai Cold Wave, the most talked about thing in mumbai. Seriously, from the day I ave born, I do not remember any winter extending till february, not only that, I havent seen any winter so Cold. Whenever my cousins or friends visited some place in the North, like Kullu Manali or Delhi or some place like that, they would always bring back lots of sweaters, gloves, monkey caps and stuff becoz all these places are famous for these stuff. At first I thought, what the hell are they useful for in a place like mumbai. Looks like god wanted to put everything to a use, so he turned on the AC.
9 Degree Celsius ..... can you imagine???? I mean at this temperature, you cant feel your thumb. Wearing a Sweater/Jacket in the afternoon sitting at home is the last thing I imagined. The cold, as they say, is stingy. I mean the worse part of the cold is, it stings u everywhere in the body which is lying naked. I mean just sit for 20 secs without your shirt on, bare bodied, it would feel as if someone invisible (like in the hollow man movie) is poking you with a blunt object.
The biggest joke is the electricity bills, I think the temperature is down because someone up there noticed that too much of electricity is being used up, so to cut it down he himself turned on the Centralized Air Conditioning. Now a days at night, my fan doesnt make a single noise. I never turn it on. I dont even know whether its working or not, and I really dont wanna test it either.
These winter days are quite boring too. Dont feel like doing anything at all. Going to college, roaming around with friends, playing football , everything is like "Dimag ko Shot". Even going down and bringing something from the grocery is a pain in the ass job. Its really boring, and laziness comes on naturally. Keeping my bare feet on the ground terrifies the shit outta me coz it feels as if i am standing on ice. Even the Chappals and Slippers are cold!!
Lets hope the winter goes away fast and summer comes back, not that jabardast dhuup wala summer, mild summer chalegaa.
9 Degree Celsius ..... can you imagine???? I mean at this temperature, you cant feel your thumb. Wearing a Sweater/Jacket in the afternoon sitting at home is the last thing I imagined. The cold, as they say, is stingy. I mean the worse part of the cold is, it stings u everywhere in the body which is lying naked. I mean just sit for 20 secs without your shirt on, bare bodied, it would feel as if someone invisible (like in the hollow man movie) is poking you with a blunt object.
The biggest joke is the electricity bills, I think the temperature is down because someone up there noticed that too much of electricity is being used up, so to cut it down he himself turned on the Centralized Air Conditioning. Now a days at night, my fan doesnt make a single noise. I never turn it on. I dont even know whether its working or not, and I really dont wanna test it either.
These winter days are quite boring too. Dont feel like doing anything at all. Going to college, roaming around with friends, playing football , everything is like "Dimag ko Shot". Even going down and bringing something from the grocery is a pain in the ass job. Its really boring, and laziness comes on naturally. Keeping my bare feet on the ground terrifies the shit outta me coz it feels as if i am standing on ice. Even the Chappals and Slippers are cold!!
Lets hope the winter goes away fast and summer comes back, not that jabardast dhuup wala summer, mild summer chalegaa.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Gardner's pot
Nikhil had just Graduated from a reputed business school. His father was a wealthy man owning a flourishing export business. Nikhil joined his father with high hopes of multiplying the volume of business manifold. But father insisted that he work at the grass roots and understand the practical aspects of work before mooting any big changes. The More he tried to work as per father's insisted that he work at the grass roots and understand the practical aspects of work before mooting any big changes. The more he tried to work as per father's instructions the more frustrated he felt.
One day he was feeling very disillutioned. He went and sat in the garden. An earthen pot that was used everyday by the gardner to water the plants lay beside him. All of a suddent the pot began to talk to nikhil. It said, "Dear one,why are ou so sad??" Nikhil Replied,"I am sick of working so hard,as per my dad's instruections, he doesnt let me control the business."
"Listen to my story from the beginning. At the beginning of my journey, I was just a heap of mud. A potter put water into me and kneaded me again and again till I became smooth and shiny. Then he put me in his potter's wheel and spun me around till my head went dizzy. He kept engraving lines on my skin to make a patern . It was so painful." The pot continued as the boy kept listening intently."Thats not all, then i was put into a very very hot oven and baked till my skin got burnt. I could barely breathe. When I was fully break, they set me out in the cold winter night till I cooled down. Lastly a painter came and added a coat of red paint to my exterior. But after all ther my value has increased manifold. I am a pot that is use by your gardner everyday to water the plants. All tehse furits and flowers they bear are my friends. Each time the gardener takes me close to them, they blow kisses to me they love me dearly. Had I not gone through so many hardsips to become something of value?"
The boy stroked the pot lovingly and said, "You are great. I think I have many things to do;I'd better get going. But I'll never forget what you told me. Thank you for each word that you spoke to inspire me".
This simple story tells you a lot about life. To climb a steep hill, you have to bend forward, if you continue to hold your head upwards, the climb shall become difficult and tiring.
One day he was feeling very disillutioned. He went and sat in the garden. An earthen pot that was used everyday by the gardner to water the plants lay beside him. All of a suddent the pot began to talk to nikhil. It said, "Dear one,why are ou so sad??" Nikhil Replied,"I am sick of working so hard,as per my dad's instruections, he doesnt let me control the business."
"Listen to my story from the beginning. At the beginning of my journey, I was just a heap of mud. A potter put water into me and kneaded me again and again till I became smooth and shiny. Then he put me in his potter's wheel and spun me around till my head went dizzy. He kept engraving lines on my skin to make a patern . It was so painful." The pot continued as the boy kept listening intently."Thats not all, then i was put into a very very hot oven and baked till my skin got burnt. I could barely breathe. When I was fully break, they set me out in the cold winter night till I cooled down. Lastly a painter came and added a coat of red paint to my exterior. But after all ther my value has increased manifold. I am a pot that is use by your gardner everyday to water the plants. All tehse furits and flowers they bear are my friends. Each time the gardener takes me close to them, they blow kisses to me they love me dearly. Had I not gone through so many hardsips to become something of value?"
The boy stroked the pot lovingly and said, "You are great. I think I have many things to do;I'd better get going. But I'll never forget what you told me. Thank you for each word that you spoke to inspire me".
This simple story tells you a lot about life. To climb a steep hill, you have to bend forward, if you continue to hold your head upwards, the climb shall become difficult and tiring.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Trust Me by Rajashree
My Cousin got gift vouchers worth 2k from Crosswords. For those who dont know what it is, its a Retail Bookstore with lots of nice books. And believe me when i say they do have some real nice books, especially the Indian Authors. Instead of buying some Stationary and those useless and costly stuff they have other than the books, I decided to invest wisely and get some books. Not that i keep track of authors and stuff, so I had a pretty hard time finding and hunting for good books, coz every other book sounded nice, and i was on a tight budget.
So I bought 7 books, out of which one has just jokes in it, while another one is by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar (My Mom is the one who got that one, shez into philosophical books very much). Out of the remaining 5, astonishingly enough, I bought 4 of them by Indian Authors. Guess what its just 3 days and I finished off reading one of the book already!!
The book is titled Trust Me, and is by Rajashree. I dont know if she is famous or so, but the book sure is Superb. The story is about the author, who was working as an Designer in an Advertisement Agency, and a part of her life. How she suffered after her ex dumped her, just becoz she was Pregnant. How she had to go through life after abortion. She quits the Advertisement Agency and joins a Film Studio, as a Trainee, assisting in various jobs, where she gets to know the several evils prevalent in the industry, such as Casting Couch etc, which pisses her off to the core. Later she runs into this Movie Star called Rahul Kapoor (No he isnt related to any Kapoors), who is by the way, plays a supporting role in the movie for which the author is working for and who completly falls for her and keeps on flirting with her. Our Author is in love with him too but is scared to "Trust Him" becoz of her past experiences and becoz of her friend's bfs. Overall, its Comedy and Romance mixing together to give u a nice storyline and a jolly good read. Oh yeah, the entire story is set in mumbai, so you are bound to feel closely related to the story even more, as she names familiar places and the entire Novel is filled with filmi dialogues. Go get the book and read, if u have time that is, lol
So I bought 7 books, out of which one has just jokes in it, while another one is by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar (My Mom is the one who got that one, shez into philosophical books very much). Out of the remaining 5, astonishingly enough, I bought 4 of them by Indian Authors. Guess what its just 3 days and I finished off reading one of the book already!!
The book is titled Trust Me, and is by Rajashree. I dont know if she is famous or so, but the book sure is Superb. The story is about the author, who was working as an Designer in an Advertisement Agency, and a part of her life. How she suffered after her ex dumped her, just becoz she was Pregnant. How she had to go through life after abortion. She quits the Advertisement Agency and joins a Film Studio, as a Trainee, assisting in various jobs, where she gets to know the several evils prevalent in the industry, such as Casting Couch etc, which pisses her off to the core. Later she runs into this Movie Star called Rahul Kapoor (No he isnt related to any Kapoors), who is by the way, plays a supporting role in the movie for which the author is working for and who completly falls for her and keeps on flirting with her. Our Author is in love with him too but is scared to "Trust Him" becoz of her past experiences and becoz of her friend's bfs. Overall, its Comedy and Romance mixing together to give u a nice storyline and a jolly good read. Oh yeah, the entire story is set in mumbai, so you are bound to feel closely related to the story even more, as she names familiar places and the entire Novel is filled with filmi dialogues. Go get the book and read, if u have time that is, lol
Advertisent Agency,
Book Reviews,
Casting Couch,
Monday, February 4, 2008
What a Piece of Breaking-NEWS !!!
MUMBAI: The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are rated as the world’s third best in engineering education, but the directors of the seven elite institutions are currently trying to get the Union HRD ministry to pay their electricity bills on time!
In an indication of a fund crunch at India’s finest educational institutes, IIT-Bombay has recently written to the HRD ministry that they are not in a position to pay next month’s salaries to their staff members. All seven institutes have complained that government allocations are not keeping pace with the rising costs attached to the day-to-day running of these premier institutions.
"We have been drawing money from our corpus and we cannot continue doing that," said IIT-Madras director M S Ananth. The IITs have now asked a Standing Committee headed by Union HRD minister Arjun Singh to release Rs 20 crore per year per IIT so that their money can be returned to the endowment fund, which is usually set aside for long-term use.
Since the inception of the first IITs in the 1950s, they have entirely relied on government patronage. The budgetary allocation in recent years was roughly Rs 550 crore. However, over the last decade, the IITs have had to tap an extensive network of alumni here and abroad to meet growing requirements. A large percentage of new initiatives are also being driven through industry partnerships
In an indication of a fund crunch at India’s finest educational institutes, IIT-Bombay has recently written to the HRD ministry that they are not in a position to pay next month’s salaries to their staff members. All seven institutes have complained that government allocations are not keeping pace with the rising costs attached to the day-to-day running of these premier institutions.
"We have been drawing money from our corpus and we cannot continue doing that," said IIT-Madras director M S Ananth. The IITs have now asked a Standing Committee headed by Union HRD minister Arjun Singh to release Rs 20 crore per year per IIT so that their money can be returned to the endowment fund, which is usually set aside for long-term use.
Since the inception of the first IITs in the 1950s, they have entirely relied on government patronage. The budgetary allocation in recent years was roughly Rs 550 crore. However, over the last decade, the IITs have had to tap an extensive network of alumni here and abroad to meet growing requirements. A large percentage of new initiatives are also being driven through industry partnerships
A 1000 Mirrors
Long ago in a small, far away village, there was place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often."
In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."
All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?
In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."
All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Iron Maiden Rocks Mumbai and me tooo
Awesome!! ... thats the only word that can describe, today's event. Yet after completing the last sentence i feel as if, I am missing something. In short, I think there are no words for the way in which it made my day (night actually!!). Yes folks, the event I am talking about is nothing but a concert by the Gods, the guys who have been around to rock everyone, from ur daddy to the young folks of the present generation , none other than "Iron Maiden".
My first concert in the year 2008, and it was of Iron Maiden; Whoa!! what a way to start the year. The music was classic, as classic as it can be, Classic Rock at its very best. The melody, was perfect to set u in a state of trance. The beats were so awesome, that it should definitely make ur feet tap. The Bass lines were so enchanting, that it would draw out the soul in you, and give it a reason to live. Listening Iron Maiden perform live, is way way better than any thing good in life. I think thats what they mean by saying, Music is the best drug, to make you high.
Descriptions apart, I liked Rainmaker the best in the entire song selection, followed by the ever classic Fear of the Dark. Other numbers such as Number of the Beast, Hallowed by Thy name, Powerslave, some songs from the album Seventh Son of the Seventh Son(I dont have this album, sigh!!),Run to the Hills, Iron Maiden, were all superb too, but the first two were the best of the best. And yeah, they also had a live Eddie, walking along the stage, and it looked superb too. Bruce was jumping here and there, climbing on stuff as always, and asking the public to scream for him, like every concert. Adrian, Dave and Steve did a great job with their guitars, and Nicko who was covered by the drum set did a terrific job, especially the way he clashed the cymbals, it was freaking scary sometimes.
Cant wait for the Concert DVD to be released man, and I wish they would release it too.A big Shoutout to DNA networks to bring Iron Maiden for the second time in India, and I hope they bring big bands like them, more often to India. Some them are Korn, System of a Down, Disturbed, Pantera, Sum 41, Green Day. I hope my requests get fulfilled someday.
My first concert in the year 2008, and it was of Iron Maiden; Whoa!! what a way to start the year. The music was classic, as classic as it can be, Classic Rock at its very best. The melody, was perfect to set u in a state of trance. The beats were so awesome, that it should definitely make ur feet tap. The Bass lines were so enchanting, that it would draw out the soul in you, and give it a reason to live. Listening Iron Maiden perform live, is way way better than any thing good in life. I think thats what they mean by saying, Music is the best drug, to make you high.
Descriptions apart, I liked Rainmaker the best in the entire song selection, followed by the ever classic Fear of the Dark. Other numbers such as Number of the Beast, Hallowed by Thy name, Powerslave, some songs from the album Seventh Son of the Seventh Son(I dont have this album, sigh!!),Run to the Hills, Iron Maiden, were all superb too, but the first two were the best of the best. And yeah, they also had a live Eddie, walking along the stage, and it looked superb too. Bruce was jumping here and there, climbing on stuff as always, and asking the public to scream for him, like every concert. Adrian, Dave and Steve did a great job with their guitars, and Nicko who was covered by the drum set did a terrific job, especially the way he clashed the cymbals, it was freaking scary sometimes.
Cant wait for the Concert DVD to be released man, and I wish they would release it too.A big Shoutout to DNA networks to bring Iron Maiden for the second time in India, and I hope they bring big bands like them, more often to India. Some them are Korn, System of a Down, Disturbed, Pantera, Sum 41, Green Day. I hope my requests get fulfilled someday.
Friday, February 1, 2008
The Best is Yet to Come
She was dying. Her life was measured not in years...or months...but in weeks and days. She called the minister to her home to make her final preparations.
As they talked of her funeral, she listed the scriptures she wanted read and the hymns she wanted sung.
The the lady said to the minister, ''When I'm placed in my casket I want you to put a fork in my hand.'' Noticing the puzzled look on the minister's face, she asked if anything was wrong. ''Oh, no,'' he replied, ''but it's the first time anyone has made such an unusual request.''
So the lady began to explain. ''All my life I have attended church dinners and fellowships. Whenever we finished the meal, someone would come to collect the dishes and say, 'Keep your fork.'
I knew what this meant. The best was yet to come. There would be apple pie or chocolate cake or some other delicacy. And I know for me, the best is yet to come. My death is not a time of sadness but of celebration. So I want to have a fork put in my hand. You can tell the people why in your message.
The lady died. The minister meticulously followed her instructions. Everyone who passed the casket saw the fork in her hand, and everyone wondered, ''Why''
The scripture was read, the hymns were sung, the message was given and the story was told. Then everyone knew the reason for the fork and understood the amazing picture it portrayed.
I think I might like to be buried with a fork in my hand. The best is yet to come. Eternity...the Savior...Heaven. And the best is yet to come even now...God's deepening grace...His powerful Presence...the smile of His approval.
Always keep a fork in your hand...not literally, but spiritually and mentally...and look for the yet to come!
As they talked of her funeral, she listed the scriptures she wanted read and the hymns she wanted sung.
The the lady said to the minister, ''When I'm placed in my casket I want you to put a fork in my hand.'' Noticing the puzzled look on the minister's face, she asked if anything was wrong. ''Oh, no,'' he replied, ''but it's the first time anyone has made such an unusual request.''
So the lady began to explain. ''All my life I have attended church dinners and fellowships. Whenever we finished the meal, someone would come to collect the dishes and say, 'Keep your fork.'
I knew what this meant. The best was yet to come. There would be apple pie or chocolate cake or some other delicacy. And I know for me, the best is yet to come. My death is not a time of sadness but of celebration. So I want to have a fork put in my hand. You can tell the people why in your message.
The lady died. The minister meticulously followed her instructions. Everyone who passed the casket saw the fork in her hand, and everyone wondered, ''Why''
The scripture was read, the hymns were sung, the message was given and the story was told. Then everyone knew the reason for the fork and understood the amazing picture it portrayed.
I think I might like to be buried with a fork in my hand. The best is yet to come. Eternity...the Savior...Heaven. And the best is yet to come even now...God's deepening grace...His powerful Presence...the smile of His approval.
Always keep a fork in your hand...not literally, but spiritually and mentally...and look for the yet to come!
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